Punto Smile

Tuna, red pepper, olives and onion rings Coca

from 14,85€
Tuna, red pepper, olives and onion rings Coca
Punto Smile

Always with the same base with a part of wholemeal flour, our homemade fried tomato and grated cheese. From there, tuna and red pepper make this version the most intense flavor of all! Ingredients: Candied red pepper, tuna, virgin olive oil, garlic, salt, onion rings, olives, grated cheese, flour, wholemeal flour, yeast.

From our workshop to your house only in 24 hours
a strip
Punto Smile 3 portions or 12 portions "pica-pica"
Baking sheet 33/39cm
Punto Smile 9 portions or 36 portions "pica-pica"
+ 2,50€
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